Muslims will celebrate Eid al-Fitr after a month of fasting. Certainly the need will have new stuff is quite high among the public in the days ahead of the Idul fitri holiday. This fosters business opportunities is quite lucrative for the perpetrators of Muslim fashion business. Among these goods are often hunted day lebaran is mukena and holsters. Not a few people who expect a new Holster for mukena and they wear when perform the Eid prayer.
Here lies the advantage of doing business with Muslim fashion buying items in lot or buy goods wholesale, and resell it. Buy mukena and sarongs at wholesale prices is one of the effective ways to profit. Buying goods with the amount that is pretty much relative prices remain cheap, then sell it back with the average price of the market. Besides its quality can be said quite well. The community will be more interested in chasing down the goods with good quality, but the price is quite cheap.
To note in buying wholesale mukena for lebaran is the quality of the goods. Make sure the fabric used is comfortable, smooth, and not itchy dikulit. Try to have a thick or not transparent, and note section seams, whether fast or not. It has an attractive design, and color. Most of the Moms will buy mukena with bright colors for her children, plus glue cartoon figures or flowers ditepiannya.
Then for holsters, noteworthy are the seams. Most holsters with a cheaper wholesale price has a connection on its side seam, which shows the quality Holster number two. If no connection seams, then it is the number one quality holsters and the price is comparatively more expensive. Note also the density of the yarn on the glove, because it relates to durability pillowcase. The trick with the stitches closer to the light bulbs. In addition to the quality, the design pattern on glove also determine interest buyers. Unique motifs such as batik are also allowed, or the motives of the boxes and lines like most holsters available.
When ordering wholesale items, make sure the first item that you purchased as you expect. You are also expected to be clever in bargaining to reach a price that fit with the quality of the goods. Better you order goods by coming to stores that sell it. It assessed more accurately the time to ensure the quality of the goods. Order it online also does not matter, but note also how the quality of and confidence level of the store.
When you resell mukenah or from a Holster for the Idul fitri holiday, the price should you set should be comparable to the quality of goods you offer. If the glove connection stitch, then make the price with quality goods number 2. So too for mukenah, if made from thin and made of parachute cloth, then put a cheaper price compared with mukenah made of silk or thick fabrics. Determine a reasonable price, so that consumers trust the an item that you are selling, and became regulars at you.
These things must be noted any businessmen, besides thinking about profit in reselling goods wholesale. Good quality, unique design, and the friendly prices for the consumer, the SAC also store you can trust, then your store will have a great business potential.
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