Still about the attractive business opportunities in the year 2017 is, this time we are discussing wholesale clothes business opportunity in Jakarta, did not close the possibility to be developed also in other cities in Indonesia, such as Surabaya, Malang, Bali, Yogyakarta, etc.
Talk about kulakan clothes, certainly the focus will switch to one of the wholesale Department in Jakarta, namely, Tanah Abang. In Tanah Abang, there is an awful lot of wholesale clothes are sold at a bargain price and is often made into opportunities for traders to again sell and earn maximum profit.
Wholesale clothes tanah abang is indeed very well known to traders who are arriving from different areas, not just the merchants who came from jakarta alone but traders from outside jakarta also often back and forth stormed the shop to this place.
Access to the tanah abang is also very easily accessible by the pengunjungya, for example through transport here below:
Transjakarta APTB APTB 07A to Bekasi | by Kebon Sirih – Corridor 1 – 9 – Toll Corridor Jatibening – Bekasi Barat
Transjakarta APTB APTB 07B to Bekasi | by Kebon Sirih – Corridor 1 – 9 – Jatibening Toll Corridor – Dundee
Transjakarta APTB APTB 11 to Bogor by Kebon Sirih (– 1 – the Corridor the corridor 9 – UKI – Toll – Ciawi
Kopaja P16 to Ciledug | by Kebon Jati – Aipda KS Tubun Street – Brig – Katamso Kemanggisan – Tanjung Duren – Kedoya Raya – Puri Indah – Middle Reef.
The interesting part of wholesale clothes tanah abang here is that almost all of the shirts are sold complete, ranging from superior to men, women, kids clothes. The price is also the least expensive if we compare with other wholesale.
For example, like the picture above this is a visible shirt Couple Dinny 2 sets you can get when they visit tanah abang. The price offered in the purchase of 1potong was 105,000, and minimum purchase i.e. 4 pieces.
An example of one of the above fashion is still not popular with fashion clothing loses clothes available in tanah abang.
Oh Yes if you've arrived at tanah abang, don't forget to shop around in advance to conduct a study of the most inexpensive price appeal. Based on the experience of shopping in tanah abang, almost the entire block of tanah abang sell clothes at a bargain price.
You also will not miss to see the wide range of famous fashion brands such as:
Our Idea
Speaking a wide range of brand was indeed there won't be endless in tanah abang, as all is indeed almost is available here.
There are exciting information from tanah abang, namely the existence of a brave block selling price more lopsided aka cheap nih,,, namely blocks F. wholesale clothes cheap Tanah Abang block F certainly could be the alternative way in search of a cheaper price again, According to confessions from visitors who shop in tanah abang, block F is the most giving cheap prices. Yes especially if asked a question F BLOCK muslim fashion magnate cheapness.
Oh Yes if you have the intention to buy a special muslim fashion in tanah abang, you are advised to visit the tanah abang market block – a. There are many question and complete of the various muslim fashion brand.
Don't want to miss the excitement of shopping right clothes at wholesale prices? game visit tanah abang. for those who like to buy up don't forget to bring a friend, Yes, because it can bother you later bring home straight.
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