Who would have thought the chocolate we consume as food for snacks, as pelezat dishes or as a mixture to drink turns out to have benefits that are good for the skin if used as a mask. It is because the chocolate contain substances high in anti oxidants which are quite beneficial for our skin as a mask or to luluran.
But indeed if we consume through the inside of the body when used as a beverage or eaten straight away, its impact may not be sepositif in the Brown mask used on the outside of the body such as when used as mask or luluran. There are a few people mentioning things like this. Chocolate that is used as a mask or to luluran, which seems to be more felt for the body if the comparison must be mengonsumsinya directly.
Because chocolate has fat content and calories can be a trigger for the onset of obesity and also cause the onset of acne that often nest in the face.
Therefore we recommend using chocolate as masks or as material for luluran should try only ladies. Because there have been many ladies-ladies who tried it and it turned out that the result was satisfactory.
How to make a chocolate face mask can be done in a simple way of making it are as follows: of course to make the mask Brown ladies should provide the chocolate first, in this case the best chocolate is chocolate ladies in order to later the results obtained will be more optimally. Brown could either be chocolate or cocoa powder, ingot up ladies will use form Brown which provided that Brown used is pure chocolate or at least the composition of chocolate itself has more chocolate composition that is pure.
After the ladies preparing chocolate that will be the main ingredients and raw materials than the Brown mask, the next step is to melt the chocolate. Mencairkannya way is to mix water with Brown stew. Well, to air this stew takarannya don't too many Yes ladies. Just a little, because the mixture of chocolate to be used must be sekental as possible, and do not keenceran or too most of the water later even later results obtained insufficient.
After having obtained a Brown viscous liquids are mixed with water, then lift up when both boil and thickens, copy the ladies Brown viscous liquids, do not get silenced in a pot or skillet stew these ladies Yes, because certainly though the flame is turned off the stove, pot or skillet used to boil the chocolate mengadon and still feels the heat and will ultimately make the most part Brown burnt down. The liquid chocolate to be used for the mask when the sandbar is certainly not going to be used because of the effect, which is already missing even just be dirty facial skin ladies only later. So Brown stew results above should be copied to the receptacles or places that are cold. The container can be either Bowl or basin that is clean of dirt so thick brown liquid we call this chocolate mask is maintained kehygenisannya. Oya one more ladies, if you have not found the chocolate to be processed into the mask, you can find and replace the mask base material with dark chocolate.
This chocolate mask you can mix it with honey and butter. Since both these ingredients when mixed with Brown will be efficacious to clean facial skin from blemishes of acne scars. But if you just want to tighten or smoothes facial skin Brown masks, basic you can use kok ladies.
Apply the Brown mask on the face that had previously been washed clean. Then let stand until the mask dries out a bit about half the time. Then rinse until clean. Do this once a week maskeran constantly to obtain maximum results