Cleaning your face from dust and dirt will certainly be a routine that you want a perfect appearance, so using good care is certainly the most important thing B Erl Intense Lightening Series is a product of B Erl Cosmetic beauty brand from indonesia. B Erl Cosmetic variant comes with a variety of beauty products one B Erl Intense Lightening Series i.e. to meet the needs of you it's safe because it's already bersetifikat BPOM. Get information, review benefits, testimonials to how to wear the right here. Booking and consultations Wa Auto Here
Review B Erl Intense Lightening Series
B Erl Intense Lightening Series – look beautiful and clean is everyone's expectations, many people will be willing to do everything to enhance your appearance. B introduce the Erl Intense Lightening Series from B Erl Cosmetics. B erl cosmetic is one of the local beauty product manufacturers who always give priority to the satisfaction of the consumer. We made a new breakthrough by removing the face serum containing the ingredient Capsul WoW Technology active imported directly from Korea
Whiten face skin
Brighten dull skin face
Facial skin tightening
Rejuvenates skin
Protect the skin from the hazards of exposure to sunlight and UV rays
Smoothes and softens the facial skin
As an anti oxidant
Colagen stimulates the formation of
Disguising wrinkles and fine lines on the face
The disappearing black flecks
Keep the facial skin moisture
Makes the skin into a glowing
Get rid of acne and acne scars
Shrink pores on the face
Create a beautiful clean face blushes
B ERL Intense Lightening Series is a series of treatments to be the solution to help all skin problems on the face. This treatment is very safe to use within the long term for both men and women, teenage parents Even safe & for pregnant & breastfeeding.
B ERL Intense Lightening Series comes with a Luxurious Quality Terispirasi from Korea namely Savory Secret beauty bright natural white skin that contain active ingredients major WoW Capsule and combined with the active ingredients of the other flagship that has most innovative compositions with triple action i.e. protect, care for and Whiten/brighten the face skin. Hence, B ERL Intense Lightening Series can give you the best results for facial skin.
B ERL INTENSE LIGHTENING SERIES consists of 4 Items, namely:
1. B ERL Intense Lightening Day Cream
Is facial skin care cream for morning/afternoon with major wow capsule containing UV Filters A & B able to protect your facial skin from sun exposure, content of active ingredients, vitamins whitening & Moizturizer help Brighten faces, preventing the entry of free radical and smoothes the face skin, Natural Cream Color as the foundation make easy cream blends with the skin, its application is very soft light so & after using this facial day cream tanpak will be beaming even though you do not use powder. Or you are also allowed to use the powder if you want stylish make-up
BPOM: NA1817101878
Net 15 gr
2. B ERL Intense Lightening Night Cream
Face care cream is for night with active ingredient content of WoW Capsule and is rich in natural active ingredients, vitamins and protein of the skin namely aloe vera, Borago greep oil, seed oil, Vitamin B3, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Arginine, Lecitine, Linoleic acid with Its primary benefit is to whiten/brighten face skin naturally, preventing premature aging, Fades black Fleck-Fleck, restores skin elastilitas acne Menyembukan face, and make the facial skin supple, smooth, soft and glowing and still many other benefits.
BPOM: NA1817101879
NET: 15 gr
3. B ERL Intense Lightening Moisturizing Facial Toner
Is the best Facial Toner for all skin types whose primary Function is a refreshing facial skin, restores normal PH of the skin after washing your face, Shrink pores, Balance oil levels as well as the content of B3, Sodium PCA and extract of aloe vera maintains face skin moisturizer. Skin ready to do the next treatment.
BPOM: NA18171203039
NET: 100 ml
4. B ERL Intense Lightening Mousturizing Facial Wash
Is facial SOAP for all skin types with soft foam highly effective cleaning the face skin from dirt and leftover makeup as well as formulations with a mild surfactant and olive oil is safe to use for your sensitive complexion. Vitamin B3, sodium PCA and extract aloe vera helps maintain skin's moisture face and facial skin feels fresh with natural menthol content and being able to help speed up the process of the Night cream.
BPOM: NA18171203040
NET: 100 gr
1. B ERL Intense Lightening Mousturizing Facial Wash
Make sure your face is clean of make-up by using Remover
Then dampen the face with water and pour it into the Palm of the hand Facial wash to taste
Sweep the face evenly, and use the pinkie to clear the area of T in order not to get too depressed
Then rinse with water until clean.
2. B ERL Intense Lightening Moisturizing Facial Toner
Pour Facial Toner to a cotton to taste and then Pat-Pat slowly and gently on the face evenly.
Remove facial serum bottle pump to the back of the hand, then apply to the 5 points of the face and then roll out to all parts of the face. By using this facial serum will help maximize your facial treatments.
4. B ERL Intense Lightening Day Cream/Night Cream
Take day cream/night cream to taste and then apply it across your face and neck evenly, To use a night cream before going to bed, to day cream use morning or afternoon before moving.
How To Wear B Erl Intense Lightening Series
1. Wash advance use Intense Lightening Moisturizing Facial Wash gently and then rinse until clean.
2. Pour Facial Toner to a cotton swab sparingly, then Pat-Pat slowly and gently on the face evenly
3. take the Intense Lightening day cream/night cream to taste and then apply it across your face and neck evenly, To use a night cream before going to bed, to day cream use morning or afternoon before moving.
Complete facial treatments you using B ERL FACE SERUM. Use the Face Serum after using a Facial Toner, and before using the Day Cream/Night Cream.
Refer To Finish
Testimonial B Erl Intense Lightening Series
Disclaimer: individual Results when using B Erl Intense Lightening Series vary depending on various factors including the health of the body's metabolism to a health factor
B Erl Intense Lightening Series comes to you looking for hair care products and beauty b erl cosmetic original/original. With our online shopping through serving the delivery throughout Indonesia. And jamaninan 100% money back guarantee if product B Erl Intense Lightening Series you messages or goods not until proven false!
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If you're reading information "B Erl Intense Lightening Series " and search for product B, you have Cosmetic Erl are on the right website:), we are the official agent b selling cosmetic products erl original B Erl Intense Lightening Series. Price B Erl Intense Lightening Series that we offer is the official price in the entire Center to recommend by Indonesia, if you find a product B Erl Intense Lightening Series with a cheaper price with similar product then you are obliged to questioning the quality of the product.
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To product B Erl Intense Lightening Series you can click "buy now " at the link above or please contact contacts that you have prepared. Consulting and Booking Whatsapp Automatically Information product reviews B Erl Intense Lightening Series we convey the general nature and is designed to help you make decisions about your own health. It is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor.
If you find any information or resources from B Erl Intense Lightening Series you read, please inform us immediately, and when you need information or a free consultation that is less clear on B Erl Intense Lightening Series please contact contact or fill in the comments field of our already provide.
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Healthy Beautiful greetings from B Erl Cosmetic
Tags: b, b, erl erl cosmetic, b erl series, night cream, day cream
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