Twin pregnancy on the fetus in the mother's stomach was its own grace from God for happiness, because her parents often also from their parents mendambaakan twins both men – men and women there is only a privilege really different. However, from the mother who still haven't been able to find out the characteristics – the hallmark of this pregnancy and still suspect – had expected. Generally the symptoms of hamilnya twins is not much different from normal pregnant, however there are things to know at the time contain twins, among others.
Pregnant twins often occur diusia between 30 to 40 years
Many people say that getting older then the harder it is to get pregnant. But not so, because actually at the age between 30 – 40 there will most likely be a twin pregnancy. This is expressed when that age already irregular ovulation and there are two follicles when ovulation.
Folic acid needed twin fetus more
For every mother who conceived twins needed the content of folic acid which is a lot more to the prevention of neural tube birth defects such as spina bifida ... IE takarannya IE 1 mg per day for twin pregnancy and 0.4 mg for singleton pregnancies. It could also be from milk such as Lactamil.
Consultation with a doctor is more intensjauh needed
The presence of examination content of baby twins Twin Pregnancy requires more monitoring from a single pregnancy. This inspection will be done by the obstetrician with more intense than singleton pregnancies for the sake of the health of the fetus. Nutrients that are retrieved will be divided against each other and also more than singleton pregnancies
Mualdan vomiting (Morning sickness) is worse going on on twin pregnancy
Meningginya human chorionic gonadotropin levels and hormone levels to this twin pregnancy is one cause of morning sickness is worse when carried at the stage tirmester first. The majority of subsiding deposits at the age of 12 to 14 weeks of pregnancy also with twin pregnancies. The mother with twin babies are conceived to have a high level of amenia and higher postpartum hemorrhage (bleeding) while post-birth.
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